Schultz & Williams at a Glance

National Fundraising Consultant

Years Serving Nonprofits

Organizations Served

Experts in Their Field

Our Services


Reach and exceed your campaign and fundraising goals through integrated, insights-driven development strategies.


Work with our award-winning team to execute creative communications and high-performance fundraising campaigns.

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a priority to ensure your nonprofit’s future relevance, success and sustainability.

Staff Solutions

Let our team be your team in times of staff transitions, to manage special projects or to start-up your development program.

Data & Operations

Support fundraising staff with the information and systems that are fundamental to a donor-first approach.


Get real results from our innovative, integrated digital campaigns that drive advocacy, and boost your fundraising success.


Elevate your skills in fundraising and reinforce leadership through our interactive education programs.

Case Study

BGCGW sought to address its history of being undercapitalized. S&W brought to this engagement in-depth campaign experience plus an understanding of the philanthropic landscape in Washington DC as well as a commitment to the area’s youth.

Case Study

Utilizing the right messaging, targeting the right audience, updating creative execution aligned with the National Aquarium’s overall brand platform, plus email outreach integrated with our direct mail campaign, helped to lift membership acquisition response by +342% and revenue by +922%.

Case Study

This marked the third time Mission Kids and S&W partnered to conduct a strategic planning initiative. S&W led a comprehensive process that provided a clear plan to guide Mission Kid’s growth for the next five years.

Case Study

Using what we’ve learned about Fox Chase donors from our decade-long partnership, our enhanced donor-patient connection drove increased campaign performance.

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